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What are your Spiritual Gifts?

For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness. ~ Romans 12: 4-8

When we are baptized, we become part of the Body of Christ. Not only does that mean that nothing can separate us from the love of God, it also means we become part of what God is doing in the world. As Theresa of Avila put it, Christ has no other body on earth but ours, and so we are the means through which God answers the needs of the world. To prepare us for this work, God gives each of us unique gifts.

One of the most important roles of the church is to help each of its members discover their spiritual gifts and to find ways in which to use those gifts in God’s service. That service might be in the church, but it might also be out in the world, where we are to be Christ’s hands and feet. We become God’s gift to our communities and to the world. Wherever we eventually end up serving, though, the church is a great place to try on new roles and discern the full range of our gift, especially when we are restless with what we have always done and are seeking new ways of serving God.

Taking up the work God has gifted us to do isn’t a burden. When we begin using the gifts God has given us, we find deep joy and abundant life. We grow into the people God intends us to be. We become more deeply connected with communities that will love us and support us. We meet new friends and are less lonely, bound together by love and service to God, as God intends for us.

Here at Trinity Bridgewater, every member is invited to use their gifts in the work we share, from the very youngest to our most senior. Whether you know and are confident in your gifts, or whether you are trying on a new calling, we need every member’s gifts in order to be the vibrant, loving community God calls us to be. There are no gifts too small or too unimportant, no one whose presence is not a welcome and necessary part of our work as a community. No matter what your interests and talents, no matter how little or how much time you have, we have a place for you!

Not sure where to begin? Here are some ideas.

Love to work with children? Come join our Sunday School as an assistant teacher! Talk to Mindy Greely or Jerry Lenihan to learn about opportunities to support our lead teachers in helping our children grow in grace and understanding.

Find satisfaction in a beautiful building? The Property Committee would love some extra hands keeping things shipshape! See Paul Aimone for more information.

Like to make a joyful noise unto the Lord? Our choir is always looking for new voices. You don’t need to read music: the only requirement is a love of singing! To try it out, simply show up to rehearsal at 9:15 on Sunday morning in the parish hall.

Inspired by the beauty of worship? We are seeking new Eucharistic Ministers and Readers to support our worship at both 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Training provided. Speak to Rev. Kris if you are interested.

Love meeting new people? Join the Sunday morning ushers in making newcomers feel welcome and helping our worship go smoothly. Speak to Sally Lamb for more information.

Have a loving and compassionate heart? Join us in our Mercy Street ministry of accompaniment for those impacted by addiction and overdose. Speak to Paula Keenan about joining us in this work.

Want to care for your struggling neighbor? Our new Pastoral Care Team of lay and ordained ministers will provide love and support to members of the congregation who are going through hard times. Speak to Deacon Kris and join us at our next meeting.

Do you express love through food and hospitality? We are always in need of coffee hour hosts. There’s an ongoing sign-up sheet in the parish hall.

New to the church and not sure who any of these people are or what your gifts might be, but want to use your spiritual gifts? Or maybe you are doubtful that have any special gifts, but you would like to discover them if you do? One of my spiritual gifts is helping other people discover theirs, and it would be a great joy to me to exercise that gift! Comment here or drop me an email at and we’ll get together to talk about how God has gifted you for service. Because yes, you do have gifts, I promise you!

During stewardship season, we’ll be offering prayers for those who give their time and talent to this community and inviting our members to share the ways using their spiritual gifts in service to God brings them joy. I hope you’ll join us as we seek to be a community that truly embodies God’s love in all the diversity of ways that Paul’s words suggest, as the hands and feet, noses and ears, and all the other parts of the Body of Christ.

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